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Professional care that respects your religious values in the workplace.

PsySon Institutional EAP is dedicated to serving institutions that value the emotional well-being of their staff and seek to provide support according to and in tune with their Christian beliefs.

Our team of professionals at PsySon Institutional EAP can assist you Monday through Friday.


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PsySon´s mission is to advance online mental health care rooted in Christ’s teachings, and we believe that:

1. Healthy families are the bedrock of thriving work environments.

2. Access to mental health professionals who embrace Christ’s teachings and incorporate them into the therapeutic process should be universally available.

3. Regardless of location, everyone deserves access to the support they need.

4. New technologies are bridges that help us to be connected wherever we are.

Frequently asked questions

1. Is PsySon affiliated to a denomination?

No, PsySon is not affiliated with any particular denomination.

At PsySon, we prioritize maintaining the highest level of impartiality and confidence for our patients. We operate as a private entity and an administratively independent non-profit association.
Our team at PsySon consists of dedicated Christians who have successfully completed a rigorous selection process and comprehensive training through a postgraduate course, further supported by regular supervision. You can find more information about this here: Certification Course.

2. Who are the professionals that provide their services at PsySon?

All our professionals have been reviewed and have undergone an education process that certifies them to work suitably with the Christian population. They have to study and take exams about doctrine, ethics, etc. (for more information about the postgraduate course all our professionals take, postgraduate courses, click here). Furthermore, we look for professionals who identify within their church and have a recommendation from their local pastors.

In this sense, PsySon stands as a global pioneer, uniquely establishing a psychology school with a Christian worldview. This innovative method is called the CIPE model (Christian Psycho-Spiritual Integrative model, CIPE for its Spanish initials).

3. How did PsySon come into existence?

PsySon was created to respond to a clear need. It results from a collaboration between APCIN, the Christian International Psychological Association (a non-profit association), and Integrisys, a leading technology company in South America.

This strategic partnership led to developing PsySon’s unique platform in 2015, which started operating in 2017.


4. How does an institution provide this service for its families?

The interested organization must contact us at institutions@psyson.org

5. How confidential is the service for the employee?

The subscribing organization receives only the number of monthly sessions and anonymous statistics.

6. Is there a limit to the number of sessions a given family from the organization can get?

The number of sessions is unlimited, providing a convenient and flexible solution for your employees and their families. They can connect and have a session self scheduling it from Monday to Friday.

7. Are there additional benefits for employees of an organization subscribing to this service?

PsySon offers online education and live training, providing comprehensive support and training to employees and leaders on various topics related to mental and emotional health.


8. I am a leader, or a manager, and I am very interested in providing this service to the families under my responsibility. What should I do?

If you want your organization to have this tool at its disposal, simply reach out to a member of PsySon’s onboarding team by sending an email to institutions@psyson.org

PsySon is prepared and eager to serve. With a team of over 160 professionals driven by a strong sense of mission, we work diligently with a spirit of prayer to ensure that you and your organization feel fully supported and cared for.